
Mostrando entradas de septiembre, 2021
  Post 3: My Favorite Piece of Tecnology My favorite Piece of Tecnology is a G.P.S or   all of instrumentos that have Global Position System, smartphone incluyed.   When they became overcrowded, my life changed. 20 years ago, I saw the directions in the maps on “Páginas Amarillas” and was very complicated. Mi first and only G.P.S I have had, I bought it 15 years ago. Then, I bought a smartphone and download the APP Google Street and Waze. I had to buy it because it was very important for my job. Sometimes, we have to walk in the desert o forest with no signal. The G.P.S keep us from getting lost. Also, I used to drive the car and get everywehere without getting lost. I use it regularly, above all especially when I´m driving a car and I have to track the route for labor issues. Also, I use it for found archeaological sites. And I use a lot in on trips I like the G.P.S, because I can get everywhere in less time. I like it becouse I can find new trekking routes. Realy, without i
  When I was thirteen, my history teacher she told to me about Anthropology. I loved the history of different cultures and Heritage. I was not Good at math neither in english, then mi future was in the social sciencies.   I studied a lot becouse entry score was high and a few places, only forty. In 2004 I entered at Anthropology in University of Chile. In 2008 I graduated from Physical Anthopology and worked digging burials in different places. I also directed two FONDART about heritage of pre-columbian people. I worked teaching the children the prehistory of Chile I was happy, but there´s not much work. In 2021, enter by special income for study Archeology. In there, I will learn more about materials and Research methods. Also, I discovered that my passion is digging. I hope to contribute to the knowledge of our roots.
Hi, I am María Antonieta Campano Núñez, can you tell me: Toñi, it´s my nickname. Now, I will tell you some things about me: I was born on a cold Sunday afternoon, in Santiago of Chile, on June 15, 1986. Yes, I´m not very young. Currently study my second career. It´s never too late to learn.   I studied Elementary and High school in Divina Pastora´s school, in Ñuñoa. It was a women-only school...very boring. Then, in 2004, I entered the university of Chile and studied physical antropology.   Once graduated, I worked hard in archeology, specifically in bioarcheology. In my family, we are four sisters, only women, I´m third sister. But, I have muy own family. I have a child, a three year old boy, and I live with him and my boyfriend. In my free time I like to read and paint with watercolors. Also, I love to walk in nature and know new places. My last artwork Me and my family