
Mostrando entradas de abril, 2022

An Interesting Series

  Hi, the truth is that I feel very repetitive with my historical type recommendations, I think I will have to look at other things! But this series is too good if you like history and medicine, it's called "Call the Midwife". I started watching it when I became pregnant for the first time. I needed to understand what childbirth was like and what I was going to face. The series provides a historical and social perspective on childbirth in the second half of the 20th century in a marginalized neighborhood in England. Created by Heidi Thomas and based in Memoirs of  Jennifer Worth . The serie has 11 seasons, but on Netflix there are only 5. I hate netflix for this, it always does the same thing. Each chapter shows the case of a woman's childbirth, which is attended by a nurse. They deal with migration, public health and sexually transmitted diseases. It is very interesting to see how the way of understanding childbirth has changed. I recommend watching it, ma

My Best Holiday

  Hi, in this oportunity I want to talk about my best holiday. It´s was in Februery 2016. It´s was the best summer in my live, because I knew many amazing places. As mentioned in previous post, I love archeology and I try to know as many archeological sites as possible. In this year, 2016, with my boyfriends, we traveled and toured the Peruvian coast. We arrived to Lima, and then we traveled to the north knowing every village. Near relatively near Lima is Caral. In there, you can see vestiges of South America´s oldest civilitation. It´s a big city. In Chile there are no archaeological sites as impressive as this one. Then, we traveld to Huanchaco, there we visited the archeological site “Chan Chan” is a world heritage site and was built by the Chimú Culture.   Then we visited the ”Complejo El Brujo”. One of the burial   they found there belonged to a female leader, called: Lady of Cao. On his skin you can still see the tattoos she used to have. When I entered the exhibition hal

Country I would like to visit

Hi, in this oportunity I want to tell you about a country I would like to visit and why. I dream to visit to Tikal in Guatemala. I tried to go  in 2017,  but thay year I got pregnant and the money was spent on the other things.   As a lover of the past, I want to know as many archaeological as possible. Among them Tikal is one of the most fascinatin sites in America. It is the tallest Mayan pyramid.  Located in Peten zone, surrounded by a dense tropical rainforest and wild animals, for ejample: Jaguars, monkeys and panters. It´s was declared a world heritage site in 1971 for UNESCO. It is very well cared for and managed by the current Mayan communities. I think thats is important because the indigenous people must participe in the care of their heritage. I would like to go there, climb to the top of the pyramid and close my eyes and imagine how the people of the past lived. It would be wonderful to dig there.