Country I would like to visit

Hi, in this oportunity I want to tell you about a country I would like to visit and why.

I dream to visit to Tikal in Guatemala. I tried to go  in 2017,  but thay year I got pregnant and the money was spent on the other things.  

As a lover of the past, I want to know as many archaeological as possible. Among them Tikal is one of the most fascinatin sites in America. It is the tallest Mayan pyramid. 

Located in Peten zone, surrounded by a dense tropical rainforest and wild animals, for ejample: Jaguars, monkeys and panters. It´s was declared a world heritage site in 1971 for UNESCO.

It is very well cared for and managed by the current Mayan communities. I think thats is important because the indigenous people must participe in the care of their heritage.

I would like to go there, climb to the top of the pyramid and close my eyes and imagine how the people of the past lived. It would be wonderful to dig there.



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