Post 4. Changes to my study Programme


To study archaeology at the University of Chile, one must enter a common plan that lasts two years. Then in the third year one chooses a specialization. You can choose between: Social Anthropology, Archaeology and Physical Anthropology. In my first study, in 2004, I chose Physical Anthropology. This mention has an approach that mixes anthropology and biology. It is very interesting, and in Chile it was a relatively new career, but with many innocent projections.  At that time, we had branches in medicine. I had a year of anatomy with the medical students. It was really a challenging and unique experience, because I was totally humanistic. I always say that, because really the change between anthropology and medicine is too much. The level of study is very different. You really have to have a big brain to be a doctor. Anyway... I had a hard time but I passed the courses.

Currently, Physical Anthropology does not have subjects in medicine and they have adapted the contents to fit the needs of the career. I think they have simplified it.

The good thing is that now they have more laboratories, more resources. There are more associated research projects. There is an intention to improve job placement opportunities. But, the labor insertion is very little. In the end, many of us end up working in archaeology.

Another thing that is good now is that you can get two mentions in 5 years. Many people study archaeology and social anthropology at the same time. In addition, they can opt for the master's degree by doing only one more year of study. For the current situation, this is a positive thing.


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